Helping those suffering silently.
Those with financial strain often fall into despair, which strains relationships with their spouse, children and friends, and erodes self-worth. We reach out to them and help with:
Monetary support
We give checks to those in need so that they can pay their bills and make ends meet.
Food distribution
We deliver food boxes in a way that neighbors do not know what is in the box.
We make sure that the family continues to present themselves in an honorable manner.
Our letters of encouragement make all the difference in giving hope to those in need.
How do we do it?
We have had tremendous siyatta d'shmaya tracking down those who are hiding their financial state. Just one envelope and a good word is all it takes to start them on the path to recovery.
Finding those in
Financial need
Our team skillfully finds those who are crying silently yet too proud to reach out for help.
Investigating to
Ensure validity
Each recipient of assistance undergoes thorough research to ensure valid need.
We use discreet methods to distribute funds, maintaining recipients' dignity.
Giving back to
The system
Often, our recipients reclaim their formal financial status and then help others.